During my degree, I have had several opportunities to gain knowledge of various effective teaching resources. In one group, we collectively created a list of resources to support each other. This demonstrates building personal and collective professional capacities and expertise. In addition, during my Indigenous course, my group and I created a series of resources that teachers can use to build their knowledge and familiarity with Indigenous people and practices. This demonstrates enhancing understanding of First Nations, Métis and Inuit worldviews, cultural beliefs, languages and values.
In Field 3 I collaborated with other teachers to build personal and collective professional capacities and expertise by participating in staff PLC. I applied what I learned in those sessions to improve my teaching practices as explained in the excerpt from my partner teacher's final assessment below. The student surveys that I have linked below demonstrate that I am actively seeking feedback to enhance my teaching practice by getting input from my students. On top of this, I am also always seeking and using the feedback given to me by peers, partner teachers, and other school staff (admin, teachers, substitutes).
Additionally, during my Field 3 experience, I used a variety of technology tools to enhance my teaching practices including using the smartboard (PowerPoint with embedded videos, math money manipulatives, burning candle timer), visualizer, creating digital quizzes on Google Classroom, and implementing digital activities such as Jamboard. This demonstrates maintaining an awareness of emerging technologies to enhance knowledge and inform practice.